Healing Hands and Faithful Hearts: Emmaus’ Journey After Surgery

Here he is! Our beautiful & handsome boy, Emmaus. It has been four months of the hardest works of healing for us all.

Gloria, the cheerleader; truly, always ever a spring of joy, especially on the darkest of days.

Mommy, our guardian; endlessly devoted, deeply compassionate, & always wrapping us in love & care.

Daddy, the anchor; the shoulders of whom we have all cried on & whose same shoulders so carefully carry the weight.

And Emmaus, the champion; patient & focused through all kinds of bruising, swelling, & recovery protocols—like tolerating the applications of ointment into his eyes (multiple times a day!), refraining from bathing (a highlight of his days) for nearly two months, or cheering us all up when a stranger comments & Emmaus interjects with pride: “Emmaus healing!” followed by a very proud display of his new ability to blink.

Emmaus’ long-anticipated “BPES” surgery challenged us all in ways expected & unexpected. In truth, it was harder than we ever could have imagined. We’ve grieved through the many, many layers of pain, sadness, trauma, loss, & fear. Yet, we are so thankful for our boy’s will to persevere—even thrive—through the long recovery following the operation in July. Our Emmaus can now see with a full range of vision.

Thank you to Dr. Medel & his team in Malaga for their unbelievable skill & support in such a specialized field. Truly miraculous what they are able to accomplish.

So many cheers for Emmaus & the community that has helped us through the thick of the healing experience. & thank you to the HUNDREDS of people who prayed for Emmaus & for us. The morning after Emmaus’ surgery, still completely bandaged, we told Emmaus that lots of people were praying for him & he said, “I heard them!” & so did all of heaven, I am certain.

The full healing will take about a year before all the redness has disappeared completely. It is with time & the hands of Jesus that we all will be made new.

Emmaus Love, every day of your life, you have been perfect. Perfect then, perfect now. We love you.


Year Three-of-Three!